
opencomic V1.0


opencomic should be easy to understand and create for. It shouldn’t restrict authors, and it should be easy to develop parsers for. It aims to support:



A opencomic feed should contain some information about the comic it contains.

key required type description
version yes string This should be the version of opencomic the feed is using.
title yes string This should be the name of the feed, which usually will represent the name of the webcomic.
home_url no string The home page of the webcomic.
feed_url no string The URL of the opencomic feed. This can be used as a unique identifier for the feed in a parser.
description no string A webcomic’s slogan (E.g. XKCD’s “A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.”)
icon no string A square image containing an icon or logo. Minimum recommended size of 512 x 512 px.
authors no array See authors.
language no string The primary language of the comic, in RFC 5646 format.
expired no boolean This should indicate if the feed is expired, I.e. if it will ever be updated again.
next_url no string The URL of the next document in the event of pagination.


When specifying authors of a feed at least one of the following fields must be specified:

key required type description
name no string The name of the author.
url no string The author’s URL (I.e personal website, twitter, etc).
avatar no string A square image containing an avatar. Minimum recommended size of 512 x 512 px.


pages is an array of pages in the webcomic. It is required to contain at least one element.

key required type description
id yes string A unique identifier for the page. It should never change, even if the page is updated. New pages should never use the same ID. You may use the page’s permalink as its ID.
url no string The URL of the page. It should be a permalink. It may be the same as id.
title no string The title of the page. Different than the tooltip text.
title_text no string The tooltip text of the page (E.g. the text that appears when you hover over an XKCD comic with your mouse).
panels yes array See panels.
date_published no string The date the page was published in RFC 3339 format.
authors no array This follows the same format as the top-level authors, and if not specified will use the top-level authors.


panels is an array of panels in a page. You must at least specify an image URL, but alternate text is heavily recommended.

key required type description
image_url yes string The URL of the image for the panel.
alt_text no string Text describing the contents of the panel for those using screen readers.
url no string An external URL that the image may link to.

Suggestions for Publishers

opencomic files should be served using the MIME type application/opencomic+json. Many feeds will still use the more general MIME type application/json, which is common wherever JSON is served. When discovering a feed, apps should prefer application/opencomic+json, but should fall back to accepting application/json if no feeds using application/opencomic+json are available.

The number of pages in a comic and panels in a page is theoretically unlimited, but practical limits should be observed. A 1MB feed places a burden on parsers, especially if there are many such feeds. Under 100K is ideal, and 250K is fine. Consider using pagination and next_url should you exceed a reasonable limit.

Suggestions for Viewers

If a feed contains invalid JSON, do not attempt to parse it.

Some keys may be present but can be ignored if they are not available or malformed. date_published is an example of a nonessential element that should simply not be displayed.


A webcomic’s homepage may contain a <link> tag indicating the presence and location of an opencomic feed.

<link rel="alternate" title="My Feed" type="application/opencomic+json" href="" />

A feed should, when possible, be placed at This allows for manual and fallback discovery in the event that a <link> tag is not present.